Monday, July 6, 2009

Special Guests! (As seen on my friend Tallulah's blog)

Hello Friends! In case you haven't noticed, you are at Da Magical Blog Of Me!!! Me being Tallulah, of course.
Today I have some special guests on my blog! Viviana, and Erika (otherwise known as her nickname 'boo'), who does not yet have a blog.
Erika: Hello readers!
Viviana: Greetings!
Tallulah: Well, I am going to ask these special guests some questions that they will have to answer.
Viviana: Great (sarcasm).
Erika: Fun!!!
Tallulah: Thank you, Boo. Kidding! Feel da love!
Viviana: Aww thank you!
Tallulah: Anyhoo... what would you do if you were stranded on an island with only a bowl of cold spaghetti, a box of the original Star Trek films, a pirate earring, and three companions: a talking/singing banana-
Erika (interrupts): Wait! Is it only one pirate earring?
Tallulah: Ahem. It's only one unless you can find the other that is somewhere hidden on the island. As I was saying: so, a talking/singing banana, a lion with a rainbow afro wig, a puny kid singing about pirhannas, and a praying mantis wearing a long white beard who was dancing (as seen in Viviana's vision).
Viviana: I'll eat the spaghetti, eat the banana, then I'll use the pirate earring to reflect sunlight into the sky so that an airplane could see it, I'll burn the Star Trek films to make a fire, writing SOS in the fire, and have the lion attract attention so that a plane will come. I'll throw the annoying singing kid into the water, and finally I'll take the mantis home with me when somebody rescues me.
Erika: My turn!!! Wait- I have a question: weren't there supposed to be only three companions, not four???
Tallulah: Who said?
Erika: You???
Tallulah: Uh huh, whatevah.
Erika: Well alright then? Okay. So I would warm the spaghetti up by the sun, then I would eat it, next I would eat the banana, except for the face because I wouldn't want it to sing in my stomach. Then I would make the little kid eat the face and make him go find the other earring so that he wouldn't annoy me. After that I would have the lion standing on a palm tree singing, "Weehooweeahwoohaee!!!" While he was doing that the praying mantis would become my pet and I would be its master, and I would throw the Star Trek films into the ocean.
Viviana and Tallulah: Gasp!!! But why?!?!
Erika: What? I don't even like Star Trek.
Tallulah: Well then! Kidding, we all like different things. Even though Star Trek is way groovy.
Viviana: Agreed.
Tallulah: I think I want to answer my own question. Hmm. I would first find some meat to put in my spaghetti, then I would have the lion and praying mantis and banana perform for me while I eat my spaghetti and watched the Star Trek films on the television in the airplane.
Erika: Umm, what airplane?
Tallulah: The one on the island, silly! So, I would watch the movies, then I would make the singing kid shut up by putting the earring in his mouth (but he wouldn't swallow it) and have him fix the plane since it's broken. Then I would fly away with the lion. Lions rule. Well, now I'll have Viv ask a question.
Viviana: If you were a baby who could talk really well, what would your first sentence be?
Erika: I want to dance!
Tallulah: Is it not already obvious? My sentence would definitely be, "Gimme some meat!"
Viviana: Of course.
Erika: Expected that. Now is it my turn?
Tallulah: You got it!
Erika: Hmmm. If you were a pizza would you rather be eaten by a guy who eats fast and is really fat, or by someone who eats really slow and has great manners and stuff???
Tallulah: I would most definitely want to be eaten by the fat dude who eats fast because the pain would be over more quickly.
Viviana: Who says I have to be eaten? I would run away- well slide away.
Erika: That is so not fair!!!
Tallulah: Yah Viv! You must be devoured!
Viviana: Well can I be eaten by a cute little child who eats fast?
Erika: Fine.
Tallulah: Well we have to go to Blockbuster, so it's time to wrap up this groovy blog!
Viviana: Adios amigos. And amigas of course!
Erika: Toodleoo now! Bye!
Tallulah: Farewell! Live long and prosper!
Viviana, Tallulah, And Erika: Bye now! Stay groovy!!!


  1. Groovy. Haha I remember when we did that with Boo.

  2. u have a awesome website Viv!

  3. Yay!I`m going to the Harry Potter & Twilight contest today at 7:00 pm! I`ll tell u about it later! BYE!

  4. By the way, it is 6:44 right now!,and the contest is at McNally Robinson!:)

  5. Ha thanks! Wow! Harry Potter AND Twilight! Lucky!

  6. THANKS! Anyways, the contest is to see which is the best series. I wanted Twilight to win...( I don`t know much about Harry Potter, so that`s why I chose Twilight!) But Harry Potter WON! :( It was kind of obvious, especially when I herd the amount of people voting for Harry Potter cheering!After the debate my mom and I checked out the Nancy Drew books and the graphic novels! I LOVE BOOKS! Mostly mysteries actually! :)
    From, N.E.W.1999

  7. My sis & bro are at the Green Day concert with my dad RIGHT NOW! I asked them to bring me back a T-shirt! I couldn`t go because they swear the F word and other swears like that. OH! somehow that reminded me to check my mom & dads E-mail, because there`s this friend of mine her name is Minyoo and she`s from South Korea! She came to Canada to learn English. The sad part is that she only stayed in Canada for ONE year! :( She was nice to EVERYONE! So on the last day of school I gave her a present with my mom & dads E-mail address so we could E-mail each other. I miss her. :(

  8. Harry Potter and Twilight are both groovy! The contest sounds fun! It would have been nice if Twilight had won, but there are so many people that hate it so it was fair that Harry Potter won because it's groovy, too. Hey Viv maybe we can go to the new movie together when it comes out. Erika loves Green Day! I was going to go to a Katy Perry concert with my Daddy, but the tickets were each 240 dollars, so we decided not to. But he said we would find the next place her concert is going to be, and we would take a trip there together and watch the concert. I love my dad, he's so groovy. Aww that's so nice of you to email her. That sounds like so much fun! Do you live in Canada??? Wow! That would be really groovy if you did!

  9. YES!, I live in Canada! :) It`s ALWAYS very cold in the winter though! $240! WHOA,that`s alot! Thanks, she hasn`t E-mailed me yet, but I`ll let u know when she does! :) She`s probaly still travelling or unpacking! Minyoo said that she doesn`t like Korea and that she wanted th stay in Canada, because everyone was nice to her here and not nice to her in Korea! :) :(

  10. I have to go eat Breakfast right now so I can go to swimming. I`m in level 8! ( 8/9 )
    From, N.E.W1999

  11. Wow! Good swimming! Minyoo sounds very nice. As a matter of fact, I have a French exchange student coming to stay with us today! Oh no! I have to clean! I can see why Harry won, but Twilight is still da bomb. What if you put them together? It would be like Harry Potter at Twilight. Weird. I don't really like Green Day that much. 240 dalla! That's a lotta cows! Get it, MOOla, cows? hahahaha. I am so funny sometimes. :)

    P.S. It is so cool you live in Canada! We were going to go there for vacation but we decided to go to New York. Again.

  12. It`s starting to rain alot this summer, so if do come here I sujest u take your rubber boots and rain jacket just in case! :) What`s it like in New York? I bet it`s crowded there! I`ve only seen NY on T.V. for New Years Eve, when they were counting down the hours, mins. and sec. until the new year! My family and I always stay up late for it! One time at dance competion when it was over my mom and I got home at exactly 12:00! By the time I went to bed it was 1:00 am! But I still had to go to school in the morning! A FRENCH student! Is the french student living in your house ? Is it a girl or a boy? LUCKY! One of my classmates knows more french then me because his grandma SPEAKS FRENCH ! Another classmate of mine,her cousins are from FRANCE! Cool, right?!

  13. very cool! I don't think we will be planning on going to Canada for a while. It is a girl, and yes she will live at my house. We will leave to pick her up from the airport in about an hour. New York, is yes, crowded. Lots of fun, historical things, amazing stores to shop at, everyone smokes though, which is really disgusting, even the air smells like cigarettes, I LOVE the subway, and the entire time you think about movies and TV shows that are based or have been in New York and you think WOW! I am here! And don't forget the delicious food and the hot dog stands at every corner.

  14. That sounds SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE! She`s LIVING in YOUR HOUSE! LUCKY!:o That must really suck to be around a LOT of people who r smoking! I don`t like smoking, because my grandpa smoked and he got lung cancer and he died in 1998, also the year BEFORE I was born. (SIGH) I never EVER got to meet him. :( Even though I never EVER met him I still miss him and wish he never died before I was born. :(
    From, N.E.W.1999

  15. I'm sorry. That's really too bad about your grandpa. Smoking is poopy. Yea, she is really nice! Her French accent is so groovy!

  16. Wow! I live in America, not Canada. Sigh, I live in a bit of a boring part of America. Well I sure hope she emails you. Is it cold when you go swimming??? Yeah a lot of cows, isn't it? Boo hoo I would give my life to see the Beatles in concert. Yeah Viv is so lucky that she gets an exchange student!!! Lucky ducky miss Vivi! I bet they have really good meat in New York. Yumm, meat. *daydreaming* heh heh sorry. Back to reality with you, Tallulah! I am so so so sorry your grandfather died. Okay, trying not to cry... and I failed. Sigh. My great grandfather died when I was pretty young, and we had a wonderful relationship. I was always his favorite. I believe he had some kind of cancer one time in his life, but he got rid of it and survived. He was just really really old. But I have curly hair like his, so that makes me happy. Okay, I have to go get a tissue now because my face is all wet. Yes, smoking is very poopy. I bet she has a super groovy accent!!!

  17. I`m sorry about your grandpa Tallulah. Trust me, it`s probaly isn`t as cold in winter here, than it is there! My family went to Minot once in America, it was 90 C outside! Man was it ever hot! It was so hot that we decided to WALK to Target! I wanted to go in the van where there is AIR CONDITIONING! :P Gotta go! ttyl!BYE!

  18. It's okay, you can't live forever. Where exactly is Minot? I'm not exactly sure how ninety C would translate into F, but that sounds hot.

  19. It's 7 hours from where I live. Does that give off information of where I live? Because if it does than try to forget I said that. YES! It is hot. Actually I don't think it was 90, But it felt like it! :)
