Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July to everyone! Yay! Our country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty! Sorry I got the sudden urge to sing. Look at my new poll! You can vote for your favorite things and see what the most picked answer is. The subject will change periodically. And don't forget to feed the fish! They are so very hungry! Go feed them! Take some time to get a laugh at the daily comic strip, and give your brain some exercise with the Sudoku puzzles. Well, adios for now!


  1. Yeah. Now your blog is officially more groovy than mine. :( that's okay, I'm happy for you.

  2. no its not. I think they are equally groovy.

  3. Yours is more groovy. So deal with it.

  4. both of your bloga are groovy! mine is just plain boring. i'll try to make it groovier

  5. I don't think either of yours are boring. cheer up. we all have groovy blogs.

  6. My. Blog. Is. Not. Groovy. At. All.
