Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Return of VIV!

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did ya miss me? Hahaha. So, what is new with me?? well, since the last time I posted on here, lots. But, there's too much to talk about to write it all on here!! So, I will just start with yesterday. I saw Alice in Wonderland!! Oh, how I love Tim Burton!! Did you know the person who voices the blue caterpillar and maybe the Chesire Cat is the same guy who plays Snape in the HP movies? Peretty cool. I started track as well! I hate it. I have no clue why I joined track, because I quite HATE running. I will probably end up doing a field event such as discus. I don't have much else to say, but I promise I will be posting stuff more frequently!! Well, tata for now!


  1. WHAT!!!!!!! U hate track!!!!D: I LOVE track! But we all have our differences! :D One of friends didn't even want to join but her parents MADE her do it! this Fri. is our last one! D: What runner r u? I'm the first runner! Anyways... well, tomorrows St.Patrick's Day! i have a LOT of green! And as I can see u're blog is GREEN! G2G!

  2. HAPPY ST. PATRICKS'S DAY!!! Yeah, my really good friend is only doing track because her parents are making her too. I don't know if we have numbered runners, or if we do, we don't have numbers yet.

  3. I mean like when the gun goes there's the first runner who runs and then they pass it to the second person and so on. Happy St.Patrick's day! Do u think I should play ND #18 The haunting of castle Malloy? Hmmm.... OK I guess I will! This afternoon we're doing a play for our care-partners! I'm a rabbit!

  4. Yes! I love the Haunting of Castle Malloy. It's one of my favorite ND games. Haha rabbits are the best!

  5. I might be able to cause my bro is playing "Assassin's Creed 2" FOREVER!!!!!! I just asked when he was gonna go off and he sadly said "Never."!!!!!!! D: Oh well! G2G!

  6. Viv and I were playing Castle Malloy together just the other day!! It's so fun :D It's the first ND I've ever played. And happy late St. Patrick's day! And I know how you feel with your brother ALWAYS on the computer, mine is just like that. And that's why I have a laptop in my room :D It's not technically mine, but it's been in my room for probably a year if not more and my brother isn't allowed to use it. And Viviana, are you free today? Nice weather! :D

  7. And by the 'first ND I've ever played' I meant it was the first one, not that I'm currently playing it and I've never played any others before. I have. Just wanted to clear that up :D

  8. Have u guys ever had a REALLY close BFF move away before? One of my BFF's thinking about going to Late French Immersion next year! D: WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: Sorry it's just that she's really close to me and she one of the nicest BFF's I've EVER had before! If u have anything that could help me u know not be sad;PLEASE DO!!!!!!! :D G2G!

  9. Happy Good Friday everyone!!!! :D

  10. Whoops! Sorry! It wasn't working so I didn't really think it would show up! Hmm.... Wierd.... anyways, last night my parents and I were watching this show called "Who Do You Think You Are?" and Brooke Shields was on, and she learned that her grandmother had to be a adult when she was just 10, because Brooke's great grandmother died of cancer! Then she found out that she had two great uncles and she didn't know about them because they died... :( After that she found out that she had some french in her blood! Then later on she learns that one of her ancesters is Henry the 4th himself!!!!!!!! Anyways now I'm really curious about MY ancesters and I'm gonna google Romania, Germany because my says that's where my grandpa was born! I'll let u guys know if I find anything!
