Saturday, July 11, 2009

7/11, Nancy Drew, and a Bad Memory.

Hey ya'll! I do not know why I just said that, because I do not live in the south. Hmmm. The new Nancy Drew will be out soon! I cannot wait! My friend Tallulah will not be present when it comes out though. = ( I just went to 7/11 to get a free Slushie. It is very delicious. My favorite combonation is cherry and Coca Cola flavoring. Yum! I also went to the pool today. It was refreshing, but I think I may have gotten sunburnt a little. Oops. Heh heh. I am still addicted to MJ. He is just so talented! I can't help myself. I was going to say one more thing, but I do not remember what it was. Darn it! If I think of it later I will be sure to post it back on here. I remember it now! I was going to ask people why they say worry wart, instead of worry booger or worry terd. It is probably because of the alliteration, but that makes no difference. Who am I kidding, I like to alliterate all the time! See you soon super squirrels with sore spoons that slurp slushies under the stars!


  1. MJ is so groovy!!! Kitty and I watched some of his music videos on the big screen in the basement last night. Did you know he made Thriller when he was just twenty one?!?!? I would give anything to see him in concert. And the Beatles. Haha alliterations are fun and groovy! Feed the funny fish fifty pieces of food! Save Sebastian from super slimy slugs! Eat a big burger with bacon, banana, bowling balls, then burp! Make more music, MJ! (wow that one didn't have ONE word that didn't start with "m") The Beatles went bowling because of baskets. Okay, all done with alliterations... or am I??? Duh Duh DUHHH!

  2. Alliterations! Yay! We should hang out today. I knew MJ was in his early 20s when he made it, but not that he was 21 exactly.

  3. Groovy. I'll call you but I don't know how long we can hang out for. You could help me pack for camp if you wanted to, but it's not really that fun and I don't want da Viviana to be bored. Or you could come over and eat my food and chat with me while me and mama packed.

  4. I am!!! Sorry I didn't call, it took forever and I went shopping :( it was the one time I didn't enjoy it. you can come over at ten oklock tomorrow and hang out and go with us to drop me off at the bus place. can you come???

  5. I thought you leave on the 14th! I have a dentist appointment at 12:30 too.

  6. Isn't it the fourteenth today?!?! Well mama said you can come over at ten oklock, can you???
